3 -4 weeks before my bilateral mastectomy I was told that I wouldn’t be able to keep my nipples!  WTF!?!?  Really?!   I thought I was going to be able to keep them since SO many other women were able to.  I thought it was just a choice, I didn’t know beforehand that it was case by case.  Well in my case it was a NO GO, NO NIPPLES for me!  I was a size 34G/H before my surgery and based on the size and distance from the base of my breast to my nipple it just wasn’t a good idea to try and save them.  My plastic surgeon and a colleague of his both agreed that in my case the nips would have to GO!  He didn’t want to take the chance of me getting Necrosis and neither did I!   All types of emotions ran through my brain.  Hurt, confusion, sadness, just all types of feelings!  I thought to myself….there’s NO way I’m letting the lack of nipples stop me from doing this important surgery.  So as planned, I moved forward with what the doctor recommended.

Fast forward to today….

34 years old, unmarried, never had Cancer, and have NO NIPPLES!  Hmmm that’s a interesting conversation to have with the man you’re dating!

Never in a ALL the years of my life did I think that I would be at this point in my life Nippleless and NO reproductive organs!  Don’t worry I don’t want your pitty…I’m just letting off some steam and expressing how I feel.